
Treasure Chest

Super fun treasure chest cake!

Everything here is edible!  
I am just amazed at all the great candies that are out there!

Pac Man

My daughter just had her birthday.
She is all about 80's!
So she wanted a pac man cupcakes.

Captain America

My son recently celebrated his 9th birthday and per his request I give you...

Captain America!


Wedding shower cake & cupcakes

I was so excited when I got the call to do this wedding shower!  The bride is getting married this summer and I have already started on the detail of her wedding cake...stay tuned for that :)

She went with the very popular chocolate - chocolate chip cupcake with butter cream frosting for the cupcakes and the cake was french vanilla with fresh strawberries and cream cheese frosting.


german chocolate cupcake

...you heard (or read) right - cupcake!

I personally don't favor german chocolate...many do, me not so much.  I also am not big on frostings..I have gotten so use to sampling cake without frosting and have grown to like em with out.  BUT!  This frosting...I would eat with a spoon! Seriously!

A dear friend of mine was having a birthday and she just loves german chocolate cake, but because we were going to dinner and a movie and did not want to eat an entire cake I gave cupcakes a whirl!..and they were ahh so good!


box cake

I am so far behind on this blog :( 
so here is an attempt to catch up :)

Box cake for a sweet girl I work with.